Upgrade CoE LignoSilva

National Forest Centre and our partners, the Fraunhofer Institute for Wood Research Wilhelm-Klauditz-Institut WKI, Braunschweig, Germany and Paper and Cellulose Research Institute a.s. Bratislava succeeded in the Horizon Europe WIDERA-Teaming call, with the project of further development of the Center of Excellence LignoSilva in the amount of 14.71 million EUR. We have been implementing the project from January 1, 2024. The important fact is also the linkage of the European project to a domestic complementary project in the same amount of 14.71 million EUR from the resources of the Slovakia 2021-2027 Program.

The project's kick-off meeting will be held on February 8, 2024, in the Center for Scientific and Technical Information of the Slovak Republic, Lamačská cesta 8A, 840 05 Bratislava.


Národné lesnícke centrum - Centrum excelentnosti LignoSilva v spolupráci so Slovenskou lesníckou spoločnosťou, a. s. organizujú v rámci projektu APVV-20-0118 Ligno3Dscan pre pracovníkov SLS a.s. seminár spojený s praktickými ukážkami na tému: Digitalizácia lesnícko-drevárskeho sektora a implementácia nových technológií do procesov inventarizácie, sortimentácie, druhovania a spracovania dreva.

Seminár sa uskutoční dňa 14. 12. 2023 o 11:00 v biotechnologickom parku NLC, Strážska cesta Zvolen.

LignoSilva received the Science and Technology Award 2023

Dr. Ing. Tomáš Bucha získal Cenu za vedu a techniku 2023 v kategórii Osobnosť vedy a techniky, a to za mimoriadny prínos k rozvoju aplikovanej vedy a založenie medzinárodného Centra excelentnosti LignoSilva, zameraného na implementáciu inteligentných technológií do lesnícko-drevárskeho sektora.

Dr. Ing. Tomáš Bucha received the Science and Technology Award 2023 in the category Personality of Science and Technology for his extraordinary contribution to the development of applied science and the establishment of the international Centre of Excellence LignoSilva. The LignoSilva is focused on implementing intelligent technologies in the forestry and timber sectors.

LignoSilva's success in Horizon Europe

We are pleased to announce that the project of further developing the LignoSilva Centre of Excellence has been invited to grant preparation under the Teaming for Excellence Horizon-Widera-2022-Access-01 call.
It is a joint project of the National Forest Centre Zvolen, Pulp and Paper Research Institute Bratislava and the Fraunhofer Institute for Wood Research WKI Braunschweig.
With the help of a German partner, we want to fully develop the potential of our two unique European technological infrastructures, the experimental 3D CT wood scanning line and the Incubator for researching special paper surfaces with a paper machine.

Konferencia LignoSilva 2023

V súčastnosti prebieha príprava konferencie LignoSilva 2023,

Termín konania 13. júna 2023

Miesto konania: Biotechnologický park Stráž Zvolen

k dispozícii je online zborník - Konferencia LignoSilva 2023 zborník odborných prác



Preparatory work for the presentation of the BZ Stráž area

22/02/2023 - Today was nice spring weather, so the concrete work could start in full swing. At the same time, the LignoSilva team worked on cleaning the area from waste, overgrown trees and carried out landscaping. We hope that the area will pass the upcoming test of representation, which will be subjected to it by visitors as part of the planned events.

Link for more informatiion

Completed construction of a fullyautomatized greenhouse Richel

On February 7, 2023, the construction of free planting areas with fully -automated irrigation and the construction of a fullyautomatized greenhouse type Richel in the NLC BZ - Stráž - Stráž.
Wrapped seedlings will be grown in the greenhouse and on the outer growing area. We assume the use of plastic Quick Pot cultivation containers, which are laid on plastic or wooden pallets. It is a tested method, popular all over the world. A suspended irrigation ramp is used for irrigation in the greenhouse. On the outer surface is used irrigation ramp with a trolley with brackets that move on the rails. The greenhouse is equipped with ventilation that is controlled by a computer system.
The construction was realized from the ITMS2014+: 313011S735 Center of Excellence of the Forestry-Department of Detrievá complex Lignosilva.



Fruit Seminar of Papranno 2023

On 1.2. 2023 to February 2, 20123, the Lignosilva team with his colleague Michal Pástor took part in the fruit seminar, where they performed with the presentation entitled "Ekology of the Edible chestnut and its potential from the agro -where for a special use", which also introduced a 3D CT scanning line.

Link and poster for more information


5th forestry innovation workshop: The role of innovation in coping with new challenges in the forestry sector at the regional level in the EU.

On 17.1. 2023 to 18.1.2023 participated in the Lignosilva team in the 5th Forestry Innovation Workshop: The role of innovation in managing new challenges in the forestry sector at regional level in the EU. The aim of the journey was to present the open infrastructure of the Center of Excellence Lignosilva (CE) in the area of 3D scanning of stands and logs in order to become a partner of consortiums serving projects into European challenges. Presentation of unique infrastructure in the form of a poster and bilateral negotiations.

Link and foto for more information




Test operation of the 3D CT scanner started.

Test operation 3D CT scanner launched 5/2022
The Center of Exeltivity Lignosilva is focused on digitization, optimization and automation in the Forest-Department of Department of Forestly through innovation technologies. By implementing the infrastructure project, it brings the creation of model and prototype workplaces and key technological units for research and demonstration purposes in the field of wood production, wood quality detection, energy and cellulose-paper wood processing. The flagship of the center is the construction of a 3D CT scanning line of wood logs, which includes unique computed tomography technology. This technology allows you to create a three -dimensional model of each log log and display its internal errors. This model then serves to optimize cutting plans to maximize yield. There are currently 14 pieces of CT scanners in the world and our 15th is operated in the research and development environment, where it serves as a tool to increase the competitiveness of the Forest-Department of Detrievo sector.
