July 17th, 2020
Centre of Excellence LignoSilva organized meeting with decision makers (representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development of the SR), director general of the National Forest Centre and President of Wood-processing industry union on July 17th, 2020 at the National Forest Centre Zvolen. LignoSilva development process, infrastructure, project ideas and activities with a concrete and ambitious impacts, supported by a critical mass of stakeholders were presented as Excellence pillar of BIOEAST CEE macroregion with a shift towards a circular bioeconomy as a challenging driver for the forest-based sector.
Fruitful discussions of LignoSilva researchers with participating representatives demonstrated high interest for the project implementation, highlighting LignoSilva influence for the forestry value chain and bioeconomy kickstart in Slovakia. Internal consortium part of the meeting was focused on the project implementation issues (project management, indicators to be achieved, financial, communication and dissemination project management). LignoSilva meeting was moderated by the project coordinator Tomáš Bucha with relevant inputs of Štefan Boháček representing project partner and presentations of LignoSilva researchers (meeting agenda attached).